Bespoke Operational Tools
Start-up projects require a different set of tools and management that the turn-around of an existing school. William Associates has customised tools developed by our team, which have proven to be of great value to both new and existing schools.
We deliver this specialised product within 6 weeks of the final client review meeting, then provide onboarding and staff development to ensure that these tools are used effectively, for project success.
It is available in modules, for clients to utilise only what they feel they require, given challenges with their team. More than 84% of clients have opted for the full-suite ‘School-in-a-box’.
For start-ups, our ‘School-in-a-box’ bespoke product has proven success in:
Speeding up organisational development by an average of 5 years
Saving on true cost-to-company of an average of US$6 million dollars
In short, everything a new school project requires in the planning, pre-operations, launch and operations for a new school, is prepared in a detailed kit of more than 25GB practical resources. From operations, procurement, admissions, marketing, design, construction, compliance and education product, our School-in-a-box brings together the best tools from more than 30 years of school project experience, delivered in one place.
Every international school project that William Associates has supported direct through our advisory and project management team, has been delivered on time. Many of these new schools rapidly gained local, national and international recognition. This occured because time was not delayed in development; the school teams had everything they needed done at the highest standard, before they knew it was even required.
We are known by our clients to make the impossible possible. From acquisitions during the financial crisis, to launching multiple US$170+ million K-12 schools during the pandemic, we have the knowledge, tenacity and hands-on eagerness to succeed.
Children deserve nothing less than the best from their school.